Thank you to the following local businesses
for supporting the club’s Cataline Challenge 2022 with draw prizes:
Thank you to Supporters of the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club’s Rehabilitation of our Lit Night Trails
With the generous support of the Williams Lake Community Forest, the Cariboo Regional District and BC Hydro our club was able to replace all of the 90 failing fixtures and bulbs with new Energy efficient LED lights. In addition, a number of wind tangled power lines were realigned and one very rotten pole was replaced. This support will ensure that skiers at Bull Mountain will continue to enjoy the pure pleasure of night skiing under the winter ski for years to come. If you haven’t tried it yet then you have something to look forward to. And please, give a special shout out to the folks who have helped us to sustain that pleasure.
We are very grateful for the financial support of the Cariboo Regional District Areas D, E and F. Their generous grant has offset the cost of the cell booster we have been able to install at the warming hut. The booster is a boon to the safety and convenience of programs and individuals at Bull Mountain.
Thanks to Supporters of the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club’s New Ski at School Program
The WLCCSC has purchased several sets of ski equipment and SD27 Grow Home School, has helped the WLCCSC purchase additional equipment through funding from The AltaGas/Cross Country Canada Ski at School program. This will help expand access to programming for other schools in the district as well as the rest of the community. Thank you AltaGas/CCC for enabling this Community Project.
Thanks also to the Canadian Red Cross for their help in training coaches and for providing funding to cover student fees during the pilot program this season. This will enable skiers across the Cariboo/Chilcotin to access trained instructors and to learn to love cross country skiing.
Punky Lake Wilderness Camp Society, your ready willingness to store our skis while we work to raise funds for a storage building at Bull Mountain is greatly appreciated. Without your help and enthusiasm for the project getting started would have been difficult. We look forward to your participation and enjoyment. See you at Bull Mountain. Bring Snow!
Thank you to MEC who has provided funding to help us prepare for an expanded Ski School program in 2020. Your help will provide funding to round out our cross country ski equipment inventory and help with the storage of the equipment.
This project was funded in part, by a grant from viaSport BC, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada
Your generosity has helped the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club provide equipment for the new Ski School Program which began in 2019.
Thank you to the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society for the donation of the coach jackets. All the better to see us by!
With the generous support of the Cariboo Regional District Areas D, E and F the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club has been able to install a cell booster which now provides cell service at the warming hut. A boon to the safety and convenience of programs at Bull Mountain. Thank-you!