BC Winter Games Trials

It is with great regret that we inform you of the cancellation of the BC Winter Games Zone 8 trial race for Williams Lake that was scheduled for 30 Dec. We looked at all options including moving the race to another viable club in the zone, however these areas are also suffering from a lack of snow.  This is a huge disappointment but unfortunately nature has pretty much written the story in the decision to cancel and as such thwarted our every effort.

There will still be a minimum of 8 spots for the Zone 8 athletes, Cross Country BC is currently working out the selection process.  Good luck to those athletes who are selected.
Thank you again to the many who have stuck with us with such enthusiasm and determination throughout the planning process.
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The Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club with be holding a fire wood sale as a fundraiser on Saturday 9 Dec 2023 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.  There will be people to help load at the Upper Bull Mountain parking lot.  The wood is mostly dry Fir that was cut 2 years ago.  Cost is $150 per 6ft box pickup truck or $200 per 8ft box pickup truck.  Cash or email transfer.  First come first serve, there are approximately 30 cords of wood.

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